Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blog Dropout!

Since I am barely home long enough to sleep these days and because I feel like I am 2 years behind on posts, I am officially a blog drop out! I would love to be good at this but I'm just really not! I may get back in the swing of it with non pictorial posts but as of now I'm a school teaching, driver of dancers/gymnasts 3 days a week, trying to keep up with my kids, their homework, my laundry & get a little sleep here and there too busy to blog kinda momma!! I love you all and all of your blogs...Keep up the posts because I do enjoy reading them on my iphone while sitting at gymnastics and dance every week!


  1. You will be very, you have been very missed. I do understand.....I hope you will be back on here sharing your life again with us some day. Take time to smell the roses.

    Love you,

  2. So glad you're back. I love getting updates about the Weedon girls!!
